Senin, Agustus 30, 2021



A.   C H O I C E

Choose the best options A, B, C, D and E to answer the question

1. I love living in Australia …. the weather.
a. because
b. since
c. as
d. because of
e. But

2. The increase in the number of cans on the road has resulted …. more and more traffic jams.
a. in
b. to
c. at
d. for
e. and

3. “He got to work really, really late “Cos he missed his train”. Which cause and effect word is ‘Cos short for?

a. due to
b. because
c. as
d. since
e. neither

4. Keith lost his job due …. cutbacks in the department.
a. for
b. at
c. to
d. by
e. either

5. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been …. global warming.
a. put up with
b. put down to
c. set down to
d. put to
e. both

6. …. being very rich, he never shows off.
a. Other than
b. Despite
c. Instead
d. Although
e. Furthermore

7. I am not feeling well, …. I will come to the party.
a. because
b. however
c. since
d. unless
e. eventhough

8. …. I had my lunch, I didn’t miss Pizza.
a. Although
b. Moreover
c. Finally
d. Already
e. Since

9. She never helps anyone …. having a lot of money.
a. whenever
b. however
c. inspite of
d. instead
e. eventhough

10. You shouldn’t go out … it’s raining heavily.
a. for
b. already
c. because
d. weather
e. but

11. I will follow you …. You go.
a. because
b. but
c. although
d. wherever
e. case

12. …. I was walking on the street, the accident happened.
a. While
b. When
c. Whereas
d. Unless
e. Otherwise

13. I can’t go further …. the street congestion.
a. because
b. because of
c. although
d. otherwise
e. whereas

14. Rita still got the bad mark…. she learns hard.
a. although
b. because
c. but
d. and
e. whenever

15. The electricity will be cut down …. Jaka pays his bill.
a. whereas
b. because
c. although
d. unless
e. and


B.   E S S A Y

                                                                    LONG DROUGHT 2011

Drought during 2011 has caused many problems. First, the people lack of clean water to either take a bath, wash clothes of drink. Consequently, the government has to spend more expenditure in social welfare. Second, many breeders do not find grass for their cattle, sheep and goats. As result, their animals get thinner day after day due to lack of enough food.

Third, many farmers who depend on rainfall can’t cultivates their land. Consequently, they do not get regular income from agribusiness. This also causes the farmer labors of losing their jobs. Therefore, poverty rate gets increased this year. Finally, the drought has a great impact on the water reservoir: dams, lake, Canal. Their water levels go down of even totally dry. All of those conditions are clearly due to mono cause that is long drought in our country.


6. What is the first problem posed by the long drought in 2011?

7. What is the consequent of the scarcity of clean water?

8. Why do animals get thinners?

9. How can the drought impact the water reservoir?

10. When did the long drought occur?


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